Cycle 3 Week 6- The White House (final drawing)

For the final drawing I usually don’t try and include all the concepts from the previous five weeks, but this year I gave it a go.  In order to pound those pegs in a little deeper, this project will touch on mirror-image drawing, perspective, shading, and, just by its nature of being a drawing, OiLs.  (It also includes an American flag as in week four’s abstract art.  Kind of a stretch, I know.)

Hopefully the kids are excited when they discover how much about drawing they already know.  If your students get the concepts, you can give them verbal directions only or write the steps on the board and let them work at their own pace.  They’ll love the autonomy of figuring it out on their own!






Photo of White House

Colored pencils


Lesson plan for Cycle 3 Week 6- White House Ages 4-6

Lesson plan for Cycle 3 Week 6- White House Ages 7-9

Lesson plan for Cycle 3 Week 6- White House Ages 10-11


9 responses to “Cycle 3 Week 6- The White House (final drawing)”

  1. Charles Wilson Avatar
    Charles Wilson

    Yes! Our kids loved this!

  2. Charles Wilson Avatar

    Great post! I loved the aspect of breaking down the drawing into different elements to help students.

  3. Kelly Avatar

    I love these lessons. I’m curious if I can print off your starting point pages anywhere? Thanks.

    1. Inside The Lines Lessons Avatar

      Yes, the lesson plan PDF includes any pages that need to be printed before class. Above each video is the PDF link with that age group’s lesson plan. Let me know if you need further help!

  4. Kristy Jo Brown Avatar
    Kristy Jo Brown

    I used all six weeks of your lessons for my Masters class this year. Thank you so much for providing such thorough, quality lessons for me to learn from and then share. The students’ artwork was amazing, and even those who’ve been in CC for several years were challenged. I appreciate you sharing your expertise so very much! 🙂

    1. Inside The Lines Lessons Avatar

      Challenging the Masters age level is something that is important to me as well. Since the art concepts are the same each year, I wanted to add an additional layer of learning (this year it was shading) to expand their knowledge further. I am so glad your kids did well and were challenged!

    2. Katie Breckenridge Avatar
      Katie Breckenridge

      I agree! My older Masters have loved this – and I am not an experienced artist, so the details are really helpful for an art challenged tutor like myself!

  5. Jessica Condrey Avatar
    Jessica Condrey

    Will you be posting lesson plans for Cycle 3 Great artists?

    1. Inside The Lines Lessons Avatar

      Good timing on that question! Just finished the first one. This year is pretty out-of-sorts for me, but I will try and get the posts done weekly from here on out.

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